Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas!

 Today was Christmas at the Manor. The schedule was Gifts, Cinnamon Rolls (french toast for Alex) and Christmas episodes of "The Office." Check, Check and Check! I think the boys had a good Christmas here, they still have about three more to go. LOL 

I got Alex a big gift this year, so he only got one. He has been wanting a PS5 all year, now he is ready to roll.

Daryl got some hoodies and a really nice cologne he has been wanting. Beware, this teenager is looking and smelling good! 

They also got stockings full of not chocolate,  because they wold rather have salty snacks. Santa delivered. We have almost two more weeks of holiday break, so the fun isn't over yet! Wishing everyone else a happy holidays! 

Alex had an infusion on Saturday, and they go 
so well now, he takes a nap during them. Progress!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Another Title: Band Mom!

 Alex is giving me hope that I still have a chance at being a marching band mom! He is playing trumpet for the second year and it liking it. He even practices at home so I'm thinking this could happen. Al's winter concert was last night and the sixth graders played first then the "big" band (7th and 8th graders) played. It is amazing the difference in what the two groups can do. 

I thought Alex's group sounded pretty good but the big band was amazing! Per usual I can't see Alex when the band is playing. He is in the second row but even in the first row he would be behind his music stand. So, before they started playing I went to the side and called his name to take a picture. I did this in 5th grade and it was NO problem. Well, middle school is different. I love the face I'm getting in the picture. It for sure says, "Mom, don't ever do this again!" 

I was reading his face correctly because when we got home he said, "Mom. don't ever do that again!" I promised...I just hope I remember...LOL! 

That face! LOL 

Can you see Alex?! This is why a mom has to do, what
a mom has to do! 

Monday, December 4, 2023

New Title Aquired: Wrestling Mom

 On Saturday, Mom and I packed up and headed to Emporia to watch Daryl wrestle for the VERY FIRST TIME! I want to start by saying trying new things is scary and I couldn't be more proud of Daryl for trying a new sport in High School. 

This was a JV tournament, but most of the boys had been wrestling for years. I didn't know what to expect so Mom and I were there at 8:45 for the 9am start time. We pulled up the website with the pairings and Daryl got a Bye in the first round. He wrestled for the first time at 11:45am. LOL 

That's ok because Mom and I were learning a lot. Mostly, because the family sitting beside us from Emporia were teaching us the ropes. Their son Kolton also helped me cheer and yell when Daryl was wrestling. I told him to tell me what to say, and he did! We were so lucky to be sitting where we were, Daryl got three times the cheering section thanks to our new friends! 

Daryl had two matches and lost both, but he did great and scored points. He was actually winning his first match in points when he got pinned. He did so good! 

I did learn that wrestling involves lots of snacks. For Daryl and the supporters. I will be better prepared for next time! I hope we get to see our new Emporia friends at the next meet! 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Deck the Halls!

 Oddly enough, there are no Christmas decorations in the hallway...hmmm. But the Living Room and Dining room are decked! 

Alex started bugging me to put up the tree about two minutes after we got home from Thanksgiving. I waited until we were snowed in on Sunday to drag everything out of the basement. He helped me for a solid 15 minutes before he went outside to play in the snow. 

I don't know why I put off decorating. Once everything is up, it's perfect! I love the lights...just feels like Christmas now. Will I get lights put up outside of the house?! I don't know, the snow is going to have to melt first!  

Love to display my KU ornaments that I receive from 
my mom. A new one every year!

My Santa collection with my Christmas cactus!
It is officially "no playing in the living room" season!

The boys hand knit stockings and my 
ceramic Christmas tree! 

Alex was in charge of plugging in the tree!

Friday, November 24, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

 I can't stress how nice it is to have my family back in Kansas! Asa and Diane hosted all of us at their home in Hays, and it was a great day. 

We were missing Canyon 😞 but don't worry Bud, I ate enough for you too! For lunch the Stiles kept up our holiday family tradition of having one Chinese meal. I will never forget Asa stirring the rice while it was boiling! I yelled at him that you can't do that! Turns out the rice was perfect. Who knew?! 

For Thanksgiving dinner everything tasted so good. I forgot to take a picture of my plate, that could have been the wine we had been enjoying since lunch. I blame Charlie, I was over served! Lol

Thanks again Stiles for having us all over, I vote you host Thanksgiving every year! 

Only minus two cousins. No one was brave enough 
To wake up Cadence! 

Alex is serious about the fruit pizza!

My babies!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Goal Update, Are we still doing Goals?

Welcome to November friends. I hate to tell you it is halfway over. Where has 2023 gone? On that note, the goals are trash, y'all. I wake up every day thinking I have a plan. Then life tells me what is actually happening and it has very little to do with my yearly goals. Alas, I'm going to have to make an executive decision. Just so I do something these last two months of the year here are the new goals. 

Run: 540 miles

Read: 3 more Books

Finish one knitting project and one quilt top

With this new pared down list I know I can find some success. Then at the end of December I will recalibrate for 2024. All is good, life is just busier than ever before and I need to give myself some credit for all the things I'm doing outside of my monthly goals. Also, I'm happy. So that is something too! 

Read 24 Books: 16/2419

Since July I've only read three books. Oops. I've also had many held books at the library that did not get picked up. 

In August I read Dear Daughter by Elizabeth Little. Even all these months later I really liked this book. It is a murder mystery where the murderer can't remember if she actually did it. She gets out of jail in the first chapter and starts an investigation to either prove her guilt or innocence. It's good! 

In September I read the true account The Dressmakers of Auschwitz by Adlington. This author interviewed Auschwitz survivors who sewed for the Nazi elite to save themselves from harder labor, many of the jobs a person could not survive doing for very long. It was a lot of talent and a little luck that this group of dressmakers survived. Very good recount of a very sad history. 

In October I read Girl Forgotten by Karin Slaughter. This was another mystery that jumped from when the crime happened to the present day investigation in the same coastal town. Chapter to chapter you were in the past or the present day. It didn't catch my attention like Dear Daughter did but I was also getting super busy when I was reading this book so maybe I didn't give it a fair shake. It was just a meh from me. 

New Goal is 3 more books to finish out 2023 strong! 

Run 760 Miles: 472/760 540

Since July I have only run 91 miles.....that sounds like  a lot until you realize that was 3 months of running. Have I been hurt, no. Has the weather been awful, no. Have I been staying up late and sleeping in? Ding Ding Ding! At least I have the TopCity Half in April so sooner or later I'm going to have to be more consistent with running again! 

Money Goals: 

  • Pay Mortg. principle down 5K  Done October! 
  • Replace Windows  
  • Create Backyard Oasis
  • New Paint and Floors in my bedroom Done May! 
  • New Garbage Disposal  Done Feb!
Got the Mortgage goal done! Looks like windows and backyard will be pushed. That's ok. Not doing a second big house thing really helped the savings account! 

Trips: So I've been doing good on Traveling! In August I went to New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. In September I went to Billings Montana. In October I actually stayed my butt home. But in November I've already been to Denver. Maybe the traveling is getting in the way of some other things....maybe! 

Finish/Work on a loose end every month: I have done terrible on this the entire year. So I'm going to finish the year strong with a finished knitting project and a finished quilt top. I'm determined. And if I have any extra time to spare I'm going to tackle a Shutterfly book for each boy. I just need to focus! 

Some reasons I don't get goals done in pictures,
 these two

I'm teaching a new driver

I get to see these wonderful faces in only a 
3 hour drive vs a 7 hour drive


And just having too much fun! 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Parent Teacher Conferences

 This last week was a whirlwind with Extension Annual Conference and Parent Teacher Conferences. Both things went really well and we ended the week with a lazy and chilly weekend! 

I wasn't able to make it to Daryl's conferences so I have some emails to send Monday.... Alex is doing all the things he should be doing! His teachers like having him in class.

This weekend we hung out at home with just a few errand runs. We had a movie night Friday and a hot chocolate night Saturday. The boys didn't complain too much as I tried to avoid turning on the furnace until November. That didn't work out as I turned it on first thing this morning, Oct. 29th. Soooo close! The house was 54°, maybe next year! The highlight of the weekend was the KU win over OU on Saturday. What a way to see them out of the Big 12. Rock Chalk!! 

He did a great job at his student led conference!

Daryl has been driving on his learner's permit, so Alex wanted to back up and pull forward in the drive way. The youngest child really does get it all... Lol

I got an award at conference this year. Reaching a diverse audience is a Shawnee County team effort, I was happy to accept for all of us!

Monday, October 16, 2023

Football Game!

 For the last couple of years Daryl and I have made it to a KU football game. This year it seemed like the home schedule has been against us. So when I realized Stillwater is only 4 hours from Topeka and we had nothing going on Saturday, I thought "this is our chance!"

Saturday  morning the boys and I loaded up and we headed to Oklahoma! We really wanted to see a KU win but we settled for a really good game! I do have to commend the OSU fans, they were top notch. As we were leaving the stadium two fans sitting near us told the boys "your team gave us a good game, Be proud!" We were behind the KU bench and near the KU band so our section was 50/50 on KU and OSU fans. Everyone was cheering for their school and staying very cordial and friendly. 

While the OSU mascot is a little freaky looking, I would definitely see an away game there again!  

The most important part, the tradition of seeing at least one KU football game a year lives on! Rock Chalk! 

We ended up being plenty early, that's what happens
when I'm not sure where I'm going. LOL 

There is Lance! 

I don't care where I'm at, I enjoy the marching band!

After getting home at 11, we relaxed Sunday morning!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Wichita Brick Convention

 We had a great weekend at The Manor! On Friday Daryl went to the Homecoming football game and freshman tailgate. Then yesterday he went to his first homecoming dance! Alex and I stayed up late to pick him up at 11 and he had a good time! 

Today, we hit the road bright and early to meet Aunt Sofia in Wichita for a Lego festival! It was soooo cool! I think Mom, Sofia and I had just as much fun as the boys. After we saw all the amazing Lego creations we went to the Town East mall and the boys were blown away. The only Mall they know is the struggling one here in Topeka. So to see one full of stores and people was fun for them. 

It was well worth the trip to spend the day with family. I'm so glad my sister suggested it! Also, many thanks to Grandma Rosie for holding down the fort while I was in Montana. I never have to worry about anything when she is at the house. Thanks Mom! 

Saturday, September 23, 2023

All is good at The Manor!

 I know I haven't updated in awhile but we have all just been trucking along. So far this month Daryl let Alex and I tag along to a Topeka High football game. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the marching band and dance team at halftime. Unfortunately, the team didn't get the win but it was also fun to peek at Daryl being social at a High School event! Alex liked the popcorn, LOL. 

Daryl was my personal cheering section at a local 5K last weekend at Lake Shawnee. I'm still struggling to get miles but it's not injury anymore. It's motivation! Doing a 5K with friends from the gym was great and it reminded me why I log the hours on my own in the early morning. Because races are the fun part! 

I went to Huff n Puff without the boys this year. The Hot Air balloons were beautiful, hopefully I have them when it happens next year. They were very jealous of my pictures. 

Today, we had a full day of fun! McDonalds for breakfast ✔

Alex helped me mow the yard✔ 

Watched Lego Batman✔

 Watched the KU football win at Buffalo Wild Wings ✔

Played FOUR games of pickleball ✔ That's pretty big for us, someone is usually mad enough after two games and we have to leave. LOL 

I hope everyone else is also having a full and fun September. It's fall y'all, enjoy it! 

Daryl is in this picture....

I'm so thankful I live in a community with so much to do!

Monday, September 4, 2023

Three New States!

 Last week I took a vacation that was very multi purpose. I got to visit family that lives in New Hampshire and establish a bond with these lovely ladies! I got to check 3 states off of my list in an effort to visit all 50. Lastly, I got to visit a new National park, Acadia! 

The most standout part of New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine was the scenery. So many beautiful trees, coasts, lakes and hills. It was breathtaking. Second best thing was the weather, the highs were in the 70s and we even got a few mornings that started in the 50s, it was a welcome respite for our Kansas blazing heat. 

Meeting my NE family was a treat. Their hospitality was top notch as they showed us their part of the country. I only remember meeting my cousin Diana and I know their mom Aunt Mickey from many family gatherings. Meeting my other two cousins Deb and Rindy and their families was a pleasure. I don't know if I'll get them this way before I have to go back to visit again! Thank you all for taking time to show Mom and I around!! Love you all!

In Bar Harbor Maine!

Lobster roll!

Monty is a lake dog!

I found a lighthouse!

Acadia was gorgeous!

My cousins on the lake!