Saturday, November 18, 2023

Goal Update, Are we still doing Goals?

Welcome to November friends. I hate to tell you it is halfway over. Where has 2023 gone? On that note, the goals are trash, y'all. I wake up every day thinking I have a plan. Then life tells me what is actually happening and it has very little to do with my yearly goals. Alas, I'm going to have to make an executive decision. Just so I do something these last two months of the year here are the new goals. 

Run: 540 miles

Read: 3 more Books

Finish one knitting project and one quilt top

With this new pared down list I know I can find some success. Then at the end of December I will recalibrate for 2024. All is good, life is just busier than ever before and I need to give myself some credit for all the things I'm doing outside of my monthly goals. Also, I'm happy. So that is something too! 

Read 24 Books: 16/2419

Since July I've only read three books. Oops. I've also had many held books at the library that did not get picked up. 

In August I read Dear Daughter by Elizabeth Little. Even all these months later I really liked this book. It is a murder mystery where the murderer can't remember if she actually did it. She gets out of jail in the first chapter and starts an investigation to either prove her guilt or innocence. It's good! 

In September I read the true account The Dressmakers of Auschwitz by Adlington. This author interviewed Auschwitz survivors who sewed for the Nazi elite to save themselves from harder labor, many of the jobs a person could not survive doing for very long. It was a lot of talent and a little luck that this group of dressmakers survived. Very good recount of a very sad history. 

In October I read Girl Forgotten by Karin Slaughter. This was another mystery that jumped from when the crime happened to the present day investigation in the same coastal town. Chapter to chapter you were in the past or the present day. It didn't catch my attention like Dear Daughter did but I was also getting super busy when I was reading this book so maybe I didn't give it a fair shake. It was just a meh from me. 

New Goal is 3 more books to finish out 2023 strong! 

Run 760 Miles: 472/760 540

Since July I have only run 91 miles.....that sounds like  a lot until you realize that was 3 months of running. Have I been hurt, no. Has the weather been awful, no. Have I been staying up late and sleeping in? Ding Ding Ding! At least I have the TopCity Half in April so sooner or later I'm going to have to be more consistent with running again! 

Money Goals: 

  • Pay Mortg. principle down 5K  Done October! 
  • Replace Windows  
  • Create Backyard Oasis
  • New Paint and Floors in my bedroom Done May! 
  • New Garbage Disposal  Done Feb!
Got the Mortgage goal done! Looks like windows and backyard will be pushed. That's ok. Not doing a second big house thing really helped the savings account! 

Trips: So I've been doing good on Traveling! In August I went to New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. In September I went to Billings Montana. In October I actually stayed my butt home. But in November I've already been to Denver. Maybe the traveling is getting in the way of some other things....maybe! 

Finish/Work on a loose end every month: I have done terrible on this the entire year. So I'm going to finish the year strong with a finished knitting project and a finished quilt top. I'm determined. And if I have any extra time to spare I'm going to tackle a Shutterfly book for each boy. I just need to focus! 

Some reasons I don't get goals done in pictures,
 these two

I'm teaching a new driver

I get to see these wonderful faces in only a 
3 hour drive vs a 7 hour drive


And just having too much fun! 

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