Monday, November 27, 2023

Deck the Halls!

 Oddly enough, there are no Christmas decorations in the hallway...hmmm. But the Living Room and Dining room are decked! 

Alex started bugging me to put up the tree about two minutes after we got home from Thanksgiving. I waited until we were snowed in on Sunday to drag everything out of the basement. He helped me for a solid 15 minutes before he went outside to play in the snow. 

I don't know why I put off decorating. Once everything is up, it's perfect! I love the lights...just feels like Christmas now. Will I get lights put up outside of the house?! I don't know, the snow is going to have to melt first!  

Love to display my KU ornaments that I receive from 
my mom. A new one every year!

My Santa collection with my Christmas cactus!
It is officially "no playing in the living room" season!

The boys hand knit stockings and my 
ceramic Christmas tree! 

Alex was in charge of plugging in the tree!

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