Monday, December 4, 2023

New Title Aquired: Wrestling Mom

 On Saturday, Mom and I packed up and headed to Emporia to watch Daryl wrestle for the VERY FIRST TIME! I want to start by saying trying new things is scary and I couldn't be more proud of Daryl for trying a new sport in High School. 

This was a JV tournament, but most of the boys had been wrestling for years. I didn't know what to expect so Mom and I were there at 8:45 for the 9am start time. We pulled up the website with the pairings and Daryl got a Bye in the first round. He wrestled for the first time at 11:45am. LOL 

That's ok because Mom and I were learning a lot. Mostly, because the family sitting beside us from Emporia were teaching us the ropes. Their son Kolton also helped me cheer and yell when Daryl was wrestling. I told him to tell me what to say, and he did! We were so lucky to be sitting where we were, Daryl got three times the cheering section thanks to our new friends! 

Daryl had two matches and lost both, but he did great and scored points. He was actually winning his first match in points when he got pinned. He did so good! 

I did learn that wrestling involves lots of snacks. For Daryl and the supporters. I will be better prepared for next time! I hope we get to see our new Emporia friends at the next meet! 

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