Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas!

 Today was Christmas at the Manor. The schedule was Gifts, Cinnamon Rolls (french toast for Alex) and Christmas episodes of "The Office." Check, Check and Check! I think the boys had a good Christmas here, they still have about three more to go. LOL 

I got Alex a big gift this year, so he only got one. He has been wanting a PS5 all year, now he is ready to roll.

Daryl got some hoodies and a really nice cologne he has been wanting. Beware, this teenager is looking and smelling good! 

They also got stockings full of not chocolate,  because they wold rather have salty snacks. Santa delivered. We have almost two more weeks of holiday break, so the fun isn't over yet! Wishing everyone else a happy holidays! 

Alex had an infusion on Saturday, and they go 
so well now, he takes a nap during them. Progress!

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