Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 How Did I Do?

I ended 2023 making my revised miles goal. I would not have gone to the gym without that motivation, so even though I didn't get my original mileage, I'm glad I stayed motivated to hit the new target. Your goals should be lofty enough to motivate you but not leave you feeling defeated. 

My work life, mom life and personal life all got busy at the back half of 2023. I don't expect that to stop so I set my 2024 goals with that in mind. Still challenging myself to grow and be intentional but not overdoing it to where I feel bad. It's a delicate balance, I think I have it down. We shall see! 

This last week has been great family time! Once again K-State gave us the week between Christmas and New Year's off. I was able to get those last miles run, spend time with family in South West Kansas and I tried to complete a Ted Lasso marathon in two days. Turns out you need more than two day! Did make it to season three, so that is something. 

Ready to get back to work tomorrow and start working on some exciting projects for 2024. Hope you all had a good New Year celebration and are ready to rock 2024! 

2023 Read 24 Books: 17/2419

I'm November I added Who Owns the Ice House to my read books for the year. It was for work but that still counts! I will soon be verified to do an entrepreneurial facilitation using the lessons taught in the book. Should be fun! 

I ended the year with 17.5 books. Not as many as I wanted, I must stop my Netflix habit before bed. When I'm reading at night instead of watching a show I am winding down and getting to sleep at a good time. I need more of that. 

2024 Goal 18 Books 

I think 1.5 books a month will be great progress and I have a daily habit set for 20 minutes of reading. Should make this very achievable. 

2023 Run 760 540 Miles: 551/760 540

In December I ran 53 miles to give me 550 for the year! I lost steam mid way through the year but I ended strong! 

2024 Goal 600 Miles

My secondary goal is to not hurt myself. If I accomplish that, the 600 miles should be easy! 

2023 Money Goals: 

  • Pay Mortg. principle down 5K  Done October! 
  • Replace Windows  
  • Create Backyard Oasis
  • New Paint and Floors in my bedroom Done May! 
  • New Garbage Disposal  Done Feb!

2024 Money Goals: 
I like having my Money goals, because if you don't have a plan for your money it will just disappear without your input. Might as well use it on things that we need. 
  • Replace Windows
  • Down payment on New Car
  • Pay Mortg. Principle down 4K
  • Hit my Savings Goals for the year (My savings will actually be less than it is now, but that is because I was saving for the windows. But I do have an end of year goal!)
2024 Healthy Habits:
My new initiative this year is to instill a healthy habit each month and stack them on top of each other. I actually started at the end of Dec. of drinking 8 cups of water a day. So starting today I'm adding stop eating two hours before bedtime to my water habit. Hopefully at the end of 2024 I will be making healthy choices automatically. 

Seeing family out west is a great part of Christmas!

Toasting the New Year at Jazzhaus in Lawrence with one of my favorite
additions from 2023!

Getting one last photo opp before the mall takes it down!

Hi Cadence!

Passing our love of Play Nine to the Stiles clan. 

Our admirable start to our Ted Lasso Marathon.

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