Tuesday, January 9, 2024

He did it!

On Saturday Mom and I bundled up and headed to get our seats at Seaman High School for a day of wrestling. I'm not complaining, wrestling happens in a temp controlled environment and they usually have snacks. There are much worse ways to spend a Saturday. 

I'm happy every time Daryl gets on the matt, after that I don't care how he does, it's his first year. So imagine my absolute joy at him getting his first win! It was a double elimination tournament so his win got him a third match. Way to go Daryl, you are learning so much and being a really great sport at the same time. I think it is important to win and lose with grace. He has gotten a lot of experience losing gracefully it was nice to see him get his hand held up for the first time! 

Alex had his own win on Saturday. I finally updated the internet router. Let the gaming continue! He might have been happier than Daryl was with his wrestling victory. LOL 

I almost cried, that's cool right?

He is improving every time, you can't ask for much more.

After seven years even the Cox guy was wondering what took us so long to get an upgrade. LOL According to Alex, our ping rate was awful?!

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