Friday, January 19, 2024

Bedtime Wars 2024

 Spoiler, this blog recounts our family struggles just like our family triumphs. This struggle is mostly mine, even though the boys think it is theirs. (eye roll here) 

Also you need to know, the boys have had a school night bedtime since they started school. I don't know why we are still even talking about this. But here we are. 

On Tuesday night, after an extended four day weekend I let the boys know bedtime was moving up from 9:30 to 9:00pm. I said they needed the sleep because I knew they had been staying up super late. You would have thought I cancelled Christmas. They were hot! Daryl more so than Alex. I hear some old favorites, "No other kid in High School has a bedtime," and "This house is awful." Alex grumbled but less so than Daryl he knows with his age he should go to bed at 8:30pm. Alas, I can't do two bedtimes and keep my sanity. 

On Wednesday, back to normal 9:30pm bedtime I get even more flack and evidently Daryl launched a text campaign trying to gain support for #abolishbedtime. Not so fast my man, that just made bedtime 9:15pm. When you can show me the research that staring at devices and getting less than 7 hours of sleep is good for you, we will talk. 

Thursday morning, still getting rude behavior, I did what I do, I got petty. You want to keep giving me problems, your school drop off will get two blocks farther away from the school everyday. I will do this until you are walking from home! I don't know where you are at but in Kansas we are dealing with an Arctic Chill. Last night bedtime went smooth as silk. PS-Don't mess with your mother, she is petty. 

Just when I get Daryl in line Alex let me know he is going to court to see if he can live on his own before he is 18. You might be wondering, what kind of treatment would make a child go the legal route of emancipation? I want him to do 20 minutes of reading before video games after school. Go ahead, call the police on me. These kids!!! Hoping I can find this post when they are trying to get little people to bed themselves.

Teaching your kids leadership...there are consequences. LOL

That's a pretty normal face these days.

Photo from Christmas in Lakin. Alex with Cedar's trophies!

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