Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Another Title: Band Mom!

 Alex is giving me hope that I still have a chance at being a marching band mom! He is playing trumpet for the second year and it liking it. He even practices at home so I'm thinking this could happen. Al's winter concert was last night and the sixth graders played first then the "big" band (7th and 8th graders) played. It is amazing the difference in what the two groups can do. 

I thought Alex's group sounded pretty good but the big band was amazing! Per usual I can't see Alex when the band is playing. He is in the second row but even in the first row he would be behind his music stand. So, before they started playing I went to the side and called his name to take a picture. I did this in 5th grade and it was NO problem. Well, middle school is different. I love the face I'm getting in the picture. It for sure says, "Mom, don't ever do this again!" 

I was reading his face correctly because when we got home he said, "Mom. don't ever do that again!" I promised...I just hope I remember...LOL! 

That face! LOL 

Can you see Alex?! This is why a mom has to do, what
a mom has to do! 

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