Friday, November 24, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

 I can't stress how nice it is to have my family back in Kansas! Asa and Diane hosted all of us at their home in Hays, and it was a great day. 

We were missing Canyon 😞 but don't worry Bud, I ate enough for you too! For lunch the Stiles kept up our holiday family tradition of having one Chinese meal. I will never forget Asa stirring the rice while it was boiling! I yelled at him that you can't do that! Turns out the rice was perfect. Who knew?! 

For Thanksgiving dinner everything tasted so good. I forgot to take a picture of my plate, that could have been the wine we had been enjoying since lunch. I blame Charlie, I was over served! Lol

Thanks again Stiles for having us all over, I vote you host Thanksgiving every year! 

Only minus two cousins. No one was brave enough 
To wake up Cadence! 

Alex is serious about the fruit pizza!

My babies!

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