Sunday, October 1, 2023

Wichita Brick Convention

 We had a great weekend at The Manor! On Friday Daryl went to the Homecoming football game and freshman tailgate. Then yesterday he went to his first homecoming dance! Alex and I stayed up late to pick him up at 11 and he had a good time! 

Today, we hit the road bright and early to meet Aunt Sofia in Wichita for a Lego festival! It was soooo cool! I think Mom, Sofia and I had just as much fun as the boys. After we saw all the amazing Lego creations we went to the Town East mall and the boys were blown away. The only Mall they know is the struggling one here in Topeka. So to see one full of stores and people was fun for them. 

It was well worth the trip to spend the day with family. I'm so glad my sister suggested it! Also, many thanks to Grandma Rosie for holding down the fort while I was in Montana. I never have to worry about anything when she is at the house. Thanks Mom! 

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