Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cousins Christmas!

The boys and I spent the last couple of days in southwest Kansas to see family. All the cousins were together and that means a lot of playing!

To get to my sister's house it is a five hour car ride. The boys impressed me on this trip. There was minimal bickering, lots of singing and pointing out fun things they saw. It reminded me of car trips when I was a kid. No electronics or movies. Just listening to my parents weird music and trying not to touch my siblings!

Wishing everyone a happy New Year! Next blog will be my yearly goals blog!

Cousins 2019! 

Can't wait to eat the treats in his stocking!


We got to stay at a hotel with an awesome pool! 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Holiday Home Improvement!

I had two days off of work and I the boys are with Dad until Saturday. That sounded like a fine time to do another house project! My living room and dining room have needed painting since I moved in October 2018. Well there is no time like the present.

Also, it may be hard to believe, but I have never painted a room. I've picked out a lot of colors to have rooms painted, but I've never done it on my own. This was a little scary at first, but I got confidence after I started. And now I'm a pro, and can paint all the things!

The rooms look 100x better. The pictures don't do justice to how good they look now. Merry Christmas to me!

Many thanks to Jefferson who helped after work yesterday and to Marty for finding me more paintbrushes on Christmas! She fed the painters twice too ;-)

The boys were home for a couple of hours today to open presents. Alex was happy with his Kindle, Scooter and remote control car. Daryl was happy with this George Straight tickets, Bow and Target. They are having a very good holiday!





After, this picture makes me really happy! 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Snow Day and Sew Day!

On Sunday we had a very good snow here! I had gifts to wrap and Daryl had a project to work on, but fresh snow must be played in! I think we even lasted over half an hour outside. So that's not bad.

Yesterday, Lisa and I had our annual Sew Day! It is much better than a snow day because we get to stay inside, drink beer and sew. I actually spent the whole day cutting up T-Shirts for a quilt. Lisa got 85% done with the cutest jacket. Since she rarely finishes her Sew Day project I told her I want to see it on her next week. You can do it Lisa! I'm giving myself a year to finish my quilt. Last time I made my high school t-shirt quilt it took me ten years!

Ok, I seriously have to wrap some stuff now.



This is not even all the shirts I cut up! 7 years of 4-H Agent
and I from my 4-H'er career. 

I don't know why I kept this shirt from
my last county fair, but I'm so happy I did! 

You can finish it Lisa! 

Friday, December 13, 2019

Winter Programs!

This week was crazy with activities, but it is Friday, so we made it through! On Monday, the boys had their 4-H Christmas party and it was so much fun. They even got to bring home a 2 liter of pop, so they have been talking about that all week. LOL

Tuesday was Daryl's holiday program and Thursday was Alex's. It was Daryl's first band concert along with the singing. That will probably be the funniest band concert of his career. It didn't look like Daryl was reading his music because his head was always turned. When I asked him about it he said he was just checking the other kids to make sure his fingers were right! He may need to start practicing more. ;-) 

I was so ready for Alex's because he has been singing his program songs for weeks. I wanted to hear the full versions. He did great, but didn't want to dance during the songs. He said that is embarrassing. He also didn't want to pull his hands out of his pockets. I told Kelly next year I will sew them shut! 

They both did great and I am glad those are done. Now I can finish some of the other things on my December list like wrapping presents, shopping for some last gifts and sewing some holiday stuff. For example, with my house looking all festive, I decided I needed holiday placemats for my table. I went and got the materials on Wednesday and as of now I have one of four placemats. Not too shabby! 

Now I'm thinking I will need placemats for every holiday! I'm going to be that lady!
Alex's biggest fan might be his 2nd grade teacher! 

Brothers picture!
Daryl in his first band concert! 

Daryl did a good job at his last grade school program! 

Alex was very excited to play an instrument for one of the songs! 

Placemat on the Santa Side
Placemat on the gingerbread side

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Christmas Spirit is Contagious!

I have a something I need to tell the world, I LOVE Christmas lights! When they start going up, it is my favorite. Last year I went pretty easy for two reasons, 1.) I didn't have a ladder and 2.) Christmas decorations are more expensive than they should be.

So, on Saturday Jefferson, John (his dad and owner of a truck) and myself went to Lowes and I bought a ladder! I was a woman with a plan, I told Jefferson I would hang all the lights, he just needed to be there in case I fell off the roof. So I climbed on the roof, and then I realized that was a bad idea. I thought we were going to have to call the fire department to get me down! But I summoned some courage and got back on the ladder from the roof. I was defeated, but then Jefferson started messing with the lights and the next thing I knew he was hanging them! I just started handing him clips and holding the ladder, you know keeping him safe. ;-)

When we were just about done he mentioned it would be much easier to hang lights on his house. So, today we went back to the store and got lights for his house! He caught the Christmas Spirit, and he really likes the way his lights look. He was also right, putting lights on his house is way easier.

When the boys got home tonight we decorated the inside of the house. It is so nice! Lights on everything sitting still. I'm going to be Evergy's customer of the month. :-)

I'm feeling the spirit, I just need that to make me want to wrap presents. ugh.

Jefferson hanging lights at my house. 

Jefferson hanging lights at his house!

I couldn't get them to the peak, but I'm happy! 

My new decoration this year, Pepe the penguin! 

Our tree from the outside.

Our tree from the inside, I think we need to upgrade next year. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Last Goal Update of 2019!

I have good news for my November Goal update for my 2019 goals. They are done! A Month Early! The power of goals is real. So, happy day to me, I get December off! Which is good because I haven't decorated or wrapped a thing. I asked the boys this morning when they were dropped off for school if they wanted me to wait for them to decorate. They said, "Nah, surprise us!" So I will get to decorating while they are with their Dad this week. 

My Birthday last Saturday was good, it wasn't Hawaii, but I guess you can't do that every year. LOL!  I hung out with the boys all day and Alex had a friend over for lunch. The boys didn't fight with each other, too much, so I can't really ask for a better gift than that. I got a run in and there was leftover Thanksgiving wine to enjoy. Good Day! 

Yesterday, my coworkers spoiled me with birthday treats and they sang to me and got me the corniest card! :-) For real, it had corn on it, I loved it! Jefferson took me for a birthday dinner and got me a bottle of wine! Yay! That was a close call because I had just run out of my Thanksgiving Wine. It appears that 37 is going to be all right! 

2019 Goals 

Read 10 Books: 10 DONE

Book number 10 was She Said by the two reporters that broke the Harvey Weinstein case for the New York Times. It was actually a very good insight into the world of investigative journalism. There is a lot that goes into good reporting that include corroborating stories, fact checking and getting everything on the record. It was insightful and a good reminder that often people are afraid to stand up to power alone. 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 4 DONE 

Goal completed! This was done in October but I am knitting one more hat out of my ball of sock yarn. I'm going to get three hats out of one skein!

Run 400 Miles: 486 Done 

I added 22 miles in November. I took the first half of the month off to let my foot feel better. It is good as new now. I have a goal of 40 miles in December and I am focusing in. That is just ten miles a week. Doable! 

Five House Projects:DONE! 
Replaced 4 Basement windows (10/11) 
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

I've already decided on my goals for 2020 but I am shelving them till January 1st. For now I'm going to enjoy accomplishing a lot this year. 2019 I got some work done! 

With a five day weekend I did get to finish my 5th Wanderlust tee! 

I give you my best chicken pot pie yet, in my pretty new pie plate.
Daryl asked me, "Are you a baker now?"

My work birthday treats! I told Bessie I like apples and chocolate.
So she made me two desserts! 

Friday, November 29, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving or Sh*# Happens

I think the story of my life is I made plans, they blew up and I handled it! If I didn't obsessively enjoy making plans I would just STOP. But, I'm already planning all the times I want to go out of town in 2020. So stopping planning is not going to happen.

Plans to head North for Thanksgiving were almost put on hold because of a blizzard. However, we had one window to get there, that window was Wednesday. On Wednesday morning Alex uttered the words that  strikes fear in a mom's heart. "My head is itchy!" (scratch scratch scratch)

Oh god no, please no! I looked, there were critters. Fun fact, if you want to get out of your family Thanksgiving, head lice will get you uninvited in about an hour!

Poor baby, he and Daryl were looking forward to seeing their cousins as much as I was, we all cried a little. :-(

But, I handled it, everything in our house has either been shampoo'd, laundered, dried on high heat or sprayed! The Manor is critter free. Yay!

Probably more because of the incoming blizzard, Grandma Rosie came to spend Turkey day with us! My life loves to fall apart at the end of November, and my Mom always comes to make it better. When Alex was telling Grandma why we couldn't go on our trip she told him with a straight face, "oh well, shit happens!" He laughed and laughed and that was our mantra for Thursday!

Today, we all went to Potwin Pottery and made some art. The boys usually loose interest after the first coat of paint, this year they finished their projects! We all had a great time and we all agreed it was the best part of our staycation. I can't wait to see how our projects turned out.

I hope everyone out there got some moments of joy these last two days. Even if you had to ride out some tears!

Whip Cream is a personal decision

Love Potwin Pottery! 

Alex's monster has potential! 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Family that Sews Together, Yells Together 😂

I told Daryl to model his bag. I guess I should have been more specific.
Thursday, Daryl had his first sewing project meeting of t he 4-H year. The project was a lined bag with box corners. The project leaders already had all the pieces cut out so the youth got to start sewing right away. He really liked that! We left with just about 30 minutes of work left to do and he finished it this evening. 
He wants to make another one already! He wants to give one to his teacher for Christmas, so tomorrow the fabric store. Yay!! 
This weekend I got to see all of my 4-H friends and take 9 Shawnee County youth to a 4-H leadership conference. It was a Win-Win! I got to catch up with friends in front of a cozy fire, thanks to Lumber Jenny! I also got a good start on my third hat from the same ball of sock yarn. I hope I can finish it before I run out of yarn. Looking forward to a short work week and seeing family. I'm also looking forward to pie! Yummm

I'm so impressed how far he has come in sewing.
I hardly yell at him at all anymore!  
My hat on Saturday, at the beginning of the conference. 
My hat, Sunday evening! 

Jenny Candi weekend! 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

My Second Dress No. 2

Monday I had the day off of work and it was COLD! I took the boys to school in  my pajamas and thought about just spending the day cleaning the house. Then, I remembered I had bought fabric to make another Dress No. 2. It is a great dress to wear with leggings and boots, I wanted to make a couple of more before this time of year. So sewing or cleaning.....on Monday I got all the way to the hems and making the bias tape for the neckline!

All week I knew it would only take an hour or so to finish it. Today was the day! The boys were busy upstairs so I took my opportunity and finished it. I love it! But my favorite part is the pretty floral pockets. I'm sure I will show them to everyone who compliments the dress! LOL

I made the small size and added 3 inches to the pattern length. I like my tunics about knee length. :-)

Neck Hole bias tape, what I consider the tricky part! 

Ignore the socks! LOL 

Photo Bomber! 

100 Acts Of Sewing Dress No. 2! 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Oct. Goal Update (Late, so sue me!)

Just this morning I was talking about it being too cold for October. That is when my co worker reminded me it is November! So I have not caught up to our new month. The boys and I attended 4-H Achievement Night last Saturday, other than that we have been chill! After 10 months I don't want to slack now on my goal update. The good news is, tracking your yearly goals every month works. I'm done with three of my four goals! Now I just have to decide what I want to accomplish next year!

2019 Goals 

Read 10 Books: 9
Still 9

I am reading a book right now, so this goal should be all good by the November update! 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 4 DONE 

Goal completed! I made myself a Barley Light hat from some awesome sock yarn I bought in 2018 at the Dallas Fiber and Wool Festival. I'm actually knitting another one because I don't want to waste any of this yarn, it feels so nice!

Run 400 Miles: 464!! DONE 

I added 52 miles in October! I ran my first half marathon in three years this month. It was rainy, the course was hilly and the starting corral was crowded. Even with all of that I was very happy with my race. I ran a 2:16 and I really only walked through water stations. I started with the 2:20 pace group but after five miles I decided to try to catch the 2:15 group. I almost got them! I won't be adding many miles in November. My foot is hurting me and I know that means time off. There is nothing else that fixes it. Still doing cardio, just not on the treadmill. 

Five House Projects:DONE! 
Replaced 4 Basement windows (10/11) 
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

The boys did their assessments for Upward basketball 

They both looked great! 

Alex made this sign to carry at Halloween. In case people wanted to know what he was. I think his sign was my favorite part of the costume! "I am funny Groot"

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

I got to be at both of the boys school parties today! My Groot and Hippie got lots of treats. I'm glad Halloween was today because it was a toasty 40 degrees for the parade.

That's much better than the snow we had yesterday! For the second year in a row we trick or treated in Potwin and came home to chicken and noodles. It warms us up!

I didn't get the decorations out for Halloween but we have still had trick or treaters with just the porch light on. All is good and we will get the decorations out for next year!