Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Family that Sews Together, Yells Together 😂

I told Daryl to model his bag. I guess I should have been more specific.
Thursday, Daryl had his first sewing project meeting of t he 4-H year. The project was a lined bag with box corners. The project leaders already had all the pieces cut out so the youth got to start sewing right away. He really liked that! We left with just about 30 minutes of work left to do and he finished it this evening. 
He wants to make another one already! He wants to give one to his teacher for Christmas, so tomorrow the fabric store. Yay!! 
This weekend I got to see all of my 4-H friends and take 9 Shawnee County youth to a 4-H leadership conference. It was a Win-Win! I got to catch up with friends in front of a cozy fire, thanks to Lumber Jenny! I also got a good start on my third hat from the same ball of sock yarn. I hope I can finish it before I run out of yarn. Looking forward to a short work week and seeing family. I'm also looking forward to pie! Yummm

I'm so impressed how far he has come in sewing.
I hardly yell at him at all anymore!  
My hat on Saturday, at the beginning of the conference. 
My hat, Sunday evening! 

Jenny Candi weekend! 

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