Friday, November 29, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving or Sh*# Happens

I think the story of my life is I made plans, they blew up and I handled it! If I didn't obsessively enjoy making plans I would just STOP. But, I'm already planning all the times I want to go out of town in 2020. So stopping planning is not going to happen.

Plans to head North for Thanksgiving were almost put on hold because of a blizzard. However, we had one window to get there, that window was Wednesday. On Wednesday morning Alex uttered the words that  strikes fear in a mom's heart. "My head is itchy!" (scratch scratch scratch)

Oh god no, please no! I looked, there were critters. Fun fact, if you want to get out of your family Thanksgiving, head lice will get you uninvited in about an hour!

Poor baby, he and Daryl were looking forward to seeing their cousins as much as I was, we all cried a little. :-(

But, I handled it, everything in our house has either been shampoo'd, laundered, dried on high heat or sprayed! The Manor is critter free. Yay!

Probably more because of the incoming blizzard, Grandma Rosie came to spend Turkey day with us! My life loves to fall apart at the end of November, and my Mom always comes to make it better. When Alex was telling Grandma why we couldn't go on our trip she told him with a straight face, "oh well, shit happens!" He laughed and laughed and that was our mantra for Thursday!

Today, we all went to Potwin Pottery and made some art. The boys usually loose interest after the first coat of paint, this year they finished their projects! We all had a great time and we all agreed it was the best part of our staycation. I can't wait to see how our projects turned out.

I hope everyone out there got some moments of joy these last two days. Even if you had to ride out some tears!

Whip Cream is a personal decision

Love Potwin Pottery! 

Alex's monster has potential! 

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