Thursday, November 7, 2019

Oct. Goal Update (Late, so sue me!)

Just this morning I was talking about it being too cold for October. That is when my co worker reminded me it is November! So I have not caught up to our new month. The boys and I attended 4-H Achievement Night last Saturday, other than that we have been chill! After 10 months I don't want to slack now on my goal update. The good news is, tracking your yearly goals every month works. I'm done with three of my four goals! Now I just have to decide what I want to accomplish next year!

2019 Goals 

Read 10 Books: 9
Still 9

I am reading a book right now, so this goal should be all good by the November update! 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 4 DONE 

Goal completed! I made myself a Barley Light hat from some awesome sock yarn I bought in 2018 at the Dallas Fiber and Wool Festival. I'm actually knitting another one because I don't want to waste any of this yarn, it feels so nice!

Run 400 Miles: 464!! DONE 

I added 52 miles in October! I ran my first half marathon in three years this month. It was rainy, the course was hilly and the starting corral was crowded. Even with all of that I was very happy with my race. I ran a 2:16 and I really only walked through water stations. I started with the 2:20 pace group but after five miles I decided to try to catch the 2:15 group. I almost got them! I won't be adding many miles in November. My foot is hurting me and I know that means time off. There is nothing else that fixes it. Still doing cardio, just not on the treadmill. 

Five House Projects:DONE! 
Replaced 4 Basement windows (10/11) 
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

The boys did their assessments for Upward basketball 

They both looked great! 

Alex made this sign to carry at Halloween. In case people wanted to know what he was. I think his sign was my favorite part of the costume! "I am funny Groot"

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