Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Last Goal Update of 2019!

I have good news for my November Goal update for my 2019 goals. They are done! A Month Early! The power of goals is real. So, happy day to me, I get December off! Which is good because I haven't decorated or wrapped a thing. I asked the boys this morning when they were dropped off for school if they wanted me to wait for them to decorate. They said, "Nah, surprise us!" So I will get to decorating while they are with their Dad this week. 

My Birthday last Saturday was good, it wasn't Hawaii, but I guess you can't do that every year. LOL!  I hung out with the boys all day and Alex had a friend over for lunch. The boys didn't fight with each other, too much, so I can't really ask for a better gift than that. I got a run in and there was leftover Thanksgiving wine to enjoy. Good Day! 

Yesterday, my coworkers spoiled me with birthday treats and they sang to me and got me the corniest card! :-) For real, it had corn on it, I loved it! Jefferson took me for a birthday dinner and got me a bottle of wine! Yay! That was a close call because I had just run out of my Thanksgiving Wine. It appears that 37 is going to be all right! 

2019 Goals 

Read 10 Books: 10 DONE

Book number 10 was She Said by the two reporters that broke the Harvey Weinstein case for the New York Times. It was actually a very good insight into the world of investigative journalism. There is a lot that goes into good reporting that include corroborating stories, fact checking and getting everything on the record. It was insightful and a good reminder that often people are afraid to stand up to power alone. 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 4 DONE 

Goal completed! This was done in October but I am knitting one more hat out of my ball of sock yarn. I'm going to get three hats out of one skein!

Run 400 Miles: 486 Done 

I added 22 miles in November. I took the first half of the month off to let my foot feel better. It is good as new now. I have a goal of 40 miles in December and I am focusing in. That is just ten miles a week. Doable! 

Five House Projects:DONE! 
Replaced 4 Basement windows (10/11) 
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

I've already decided on my goals for 2020 but I am shelving them till January 1st. For now I'm going to enjoy accomplishing a lot this year. 2019 I got some work done! 

With a five day weekend I did get to finish my 5th Wanderlust tee! 

I give you my best chicken pot pie yet, in my pretty new pie plate.
Daryl asked me, "Are you a baker now?"

My work birthday treats! I told Bessie I like apples and chocolate.
So she made me two desserts! 

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