Friday, December 13, 2019

Winter Programs!

This week was crazy with activities, but it is Friday, so we made it through! On Monday, the boys had their 4-H Christmas party and it was so much fun. They even got to bring home a 2 liter of pop, so they have been talking about that all week. LOL

Tuesday was Daryl's holiday program and Thursday was Alex's. It was Daryl's first band concert along with the singing. That will probably be the funniest band concert of his career. It didn't look like Daryl was reading his music because his head was always turned. When I asked him about it he said he was just checking the other kids to make sure his fingers were right! He may need to start practicing more. ;-) 

I was so ready for Alex's because he has been singing his program songs for weeks. I wanted to hear the full versions. He did great, but didn't want to dance during the songs. He said that is embarrassing. He also didn't want to pull his hands out of his pockets. I told Kelly next year I will sew them shut! 

They both did great and I am glad those are done. Now I can finish some of the other things on my December list like wrapping presents, shopping for some last gifts and sewing some holiday stuff. For example, with my house looking all festive, I decided I needed holiday placemats for my table. I went and got the materials on Wednesday and as of now I have one of four placemats. Not too shabby! 

Now I'm thinking I will need placemats for every holiday! I'm going to be that lady!
Alex's biggest fan might be his 2nd grade teacher! 

Brothers picture!
Daryl in his first band concert! 

Daryl did a good job at his last grade school program! 

Alex was very excited to play an instrument for one of the songs! 

Placemat on the Santa Side
Placemat on the gingerbread side

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