Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Holiday Home Improvement!

I had two days off of work and I the boys are with Dad until Saturday. That sounded like a fine time to do another house project! My living room and dining room have needed painting since I moved in October 2018. Well there is no time like the present.

Also, it may be hard to believe, but I have never painted a room. I've picked out a lot of colors to have rooms painted, but I've never done it on my own. This was a little scary at first, but I got confidence after I started. And now I'm a pro, and can paint all the things!

The rooms look 100x better. The pictures don't do justice to how good they look now. Merry Christmas to me!

Many thanks to Jefferson who helped after work yesterday and to Marty for finding me more paintbrushes on Christmas! She fed the painters twice too ;-)

The boys were home for a couple of hours today to open presents. Alex was happy with his Kindle, Scooter and remote control car. Daryl was happy with this George Straight tickets, Bow and Target. They are having a very good holiday!





After, this picture makes me really happy! 

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