Friday, December 20, 2019

Snow Day and Sew Day!

On Sunday we had a very good snow here! I had gifts to wrap and Daryl had a project to work on, but fresh snow must be played in! I think we even lasted over half an hour outside. So that's not bad.

Yesterday, Lisa and I had our annual Sew Day! It is much better than a snow day because we get to stay inside, drink beer and sew. I actually spent the whole day cutting up T-Shirts for a quilt. Lisa got 85% done with the cutest jacket. Since she rarely finishes her Sew Day project I told her I want to see it on her next week. You can do it Lisa! I'm giving myself a year to finish my quilt. Last time I made my high school t-shirt quilt it took me ten years!

Ok, I seriously have to wrap some stuff now.



This is not even all the shirts I cut up! 7 years of 4-H Agent
and I from my 4-H'er career. 

I don't know why I kept this shirt from
my last county fair, but I'm so happy I did! 

You can finish it Lisa! 

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