Saturday, December 31, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I have had a great week home with the boys! I am so happy I decided to take some vacation while they are off from school. With Grandma Rosie and cousins here it was a fun week for everyone! 
I was so happy that the boys got to be with me on Christmas morning. I realize now, that that won't always be the case. Kelly was here too to watch them open the presents that we had picked out for them together. The boys got to have the Christmas that they have always had, even though it was different for mom and dad. 
I got great news on Christmas eve when I found out that we will be able to rent a house in Daryl's same school district. I was so worried he was going to have to change schools and with all the change he is already facing I didn't want to add that to the mix. Because of that news Christmas day was a little happier than it could have been. We will move in mid January so if you don't hear from me in awhile it's because I'm packing! The yarn closet alone took six boxes....;-) 
Maybe one of my new year's resolutions should be to use more yarn!
Daryl got Pokemon cards, KD shoes, Cam Newton jersey and Mario Kart! 
That explains the big smile! 
Alex got the game Don't wake Daddy and it is a really fun preschool game!
He is doing much better with not winning all of the time. 

Finished the Christmas sweaters on December 26th! Figures!

Stiles' Cousins! Next year we will have one more!!! (Congrats Asa and Diane!)

Daryl and Charlie are Twining!

Christmas exhausted Purl! 

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