Thursday, January 5, 2017

2017 Goals

So I don't make resolutions, people don't keep them, and they are mostly forgotten quickly. However, I LOVE goals. I can be a bit distracted so goals help me focus. Also, even if I don't reach them, that is OK. I was working towards something good for me, and that is the important part!
First, let's see if I did what I said I would do in 2016.

Goal #1 Run 1,000 Miles! Whew, that was lofty. So the real mileage was 533.80. We might have to set our sights a little lower next time...

Goal #2 Knit 4 Sweaters! I knit two. This one should not have been that hard, but all I got done was the boys Christmas Sweaters.

Goal #3 Read 16 Books! I read 13!! And I love this goal, I read some great books this year. My favorites were The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer. Aging with Grace a research project on Nuns about Alzheimer Disease. The Martian, which I tried not to read since everyone was reading it, but dang, it was good! I also read the first two Game of Thrones books and I have to block off some serious time before I start the third book. Those suck you in and don't let you up for air!

Goal #4 Six Date nights. I actually accomplished this one. Fat lot of good that did! 😜

2017 Goals!

Goal #1 Run 550 Miles! I can't just take off from the house like I used to, but running is good for my body and mind so I will find a way to make this happen.

Goal #2 Knit 4 Sweaters! What the hell, let's try this again.

Goal #3 Read 16 books! One of my favorite goals, I shall read all of the things and learn all the stuff. :-)

Goal #4 Six Friend trips! That sounds like a lot but I've already got plans for a weekend in Oklahoma with Jennifer and Jenny. Jennifer might not know. Shhhh. A weekend to Little Rock with Jaime and Emma and Jessica. Again, Some of those people are probably unaware. I will see Ms. Becca this year, I need to!  This doesn't mean all these trips will be solo, the boys and I are up for adventure this year, if you would like on our calendar, let us know! We have three openings.

Goal #5 Put 2,000 in savings. My lovely joint savings account is not so lovely now that it was split in two. I need to pad her a bit.

Good luck to everyone on their goals for the New Year. I hope we are all successful in our endeavors!!
All the sweaters I knit in 2016. Don't judge, how many did you knit? 😁

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