Monday, January 16, 2017

The Manor on the Move

This weekend went as planned and with the help of my friends and family we moved houses on Saturday. The weather held out all day Saturday, thank you baby Jesus, and we were all into the new house by 1pm! Couldn't have done it without every single person that came to help me.

I was so glad to be stuck at home on Sunday because, with the help of my mom, I got most of the boxes unpacked. Today, I got the last rooms arranged and cleaned. The boys and I are officially settled!

Daryl and Alex now have their own rooms. When Alex saw his room with all of his toys set out he squealed with delight. Also, because he saw me unpack a lot of his room we have spent the last two days playing with toys he had forgotten about! It has been pretty entertaining. This afternoon he even talked Daryl into three rounds of Memory game. All three of us played and Alex won twice and Daryl won once. Alex had the advantage because Daryl wasn't paying attention when Alex and I were playing. So he only remembered the cards he would play.

Daryl likes being in his own room too. He has already started the, "No one can come in my room and if you come in my room, don't touch anything!"

All three of us are very happy. So in the future, the blog will be about knitting and running and funny Daryl and Alex stories. :-) Sorry for the blip in regularly scheduled programming!

We love three day weekends!

Purl feels right at home! 

Couldn't have moved and got all settled without my mom!
Love this lady! 


  1. I love hearing about all aspects of your life. You are doing a great job raising two little boys. Your stories about the boys always make me laugh.


  2. Thank you Robin! I'm happy that people enjoy my writing, I love doing it!

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