Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Just packing...

The move is coming. Room by room, I'm packing my life into boxes. It hurts, I love my house and the life I had in it. To add insult to injury an ice storm is coming. That is like my life right now. Let's make things difficult, not impossible, just difficult.

This morning Alex gave me a moment of joy when he wanted to wear one of Daryl's old hand knit sweaters to school. Before we actually left the house he took it off, because it was itchy. Thankfully, he will wear Merino wool, so I just need to remember that when I make his sweaters. I bet he would wear, gasp, acrylic yarn just fine too. (Hangs head in shame)

That's it for now, just checking in to let you all know we are all good!

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