Friday, December 23, 2016

2016 Christmas Card

Hello All, I present you with the 2016 edition of the Christmas Card story. Back in October I decided I didn't want to do a picture this year. I wanted the boys to MAKE THE CARDS. Oh my gosh, how much fun does that sound like?! All of us, making a little assembly line, like the elves must do at the North Pole! We would sing carols, drink hot chocolate and produce perfect Christmas cards!

I found a totally doable snowman card to create. Went to Michael's and got all the supplies we would need for perfect day of family togetherness! I showed what we would be making to Daryl and Alex and received very different reactions.

Daryl-Um, Nah
Alex-Yes, scissors, glue, pens!! Oh Man, Yes!

So, the cards are mostly from Alex and I. :-) He loved drawing all the faces on and gluing all the pieces down. Some of your cards may have arrived with just one eye, shake out the envelope because the other eye might be in there!

What I was most proud of is both boys WROTE THEIR NAMES in the cards. This is why they went out in flights, because I could only get about six signed at a time. I also cut the Christmas card list down a little bit, because....after 25 snowmen we were not making any more! LOL

Merry Christmas everyone, I wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Joyous New Year!

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