Friday, December 2, 2016

It's not looking like Christmas, yet...

I'm going to make this the weekend I WILL go into the basement and drag up all the Christmas stuff! The boys have been bugging me for a week to get out the decorations, so I will do it for them! I hope I have some decorated house pictures to post next time. 

Tonight was Alex's Christmas program. That helped give me a little Christmas spirit! He did a great job with the songs and actions. Before the program I picked both boys up then had to feed them dinner. Alex wasn't really that excited about dressing up so I was pulling all of his shirts out of the closet trying to get one to appeal to him. If I thought he would go for it I would have never pulled out the shirt I made for Daryl when he was three for Christmas! But it had Santas on it, so of course that is the one he wanted to wear! It was a little small but it worked. That also means for all the work I did five years ago, it got worn for a second time. That's a plus! 

Lastly, the conversations these boys have in the car are priceless! Like I said before, it's hard for me to be sad with these two around! 

Daryl-Mom is that 24K on the radio by Bruno Mars? 
Me-It is Bruno Mars but I am not familiar with this song. 
Daryl- I think it is and I'm not going to watch that video anymore. 
Me-Why not? 
Daryl- It is inappropriate, girls are just shaking their butts. 
Alex-Oh wow....
Alex-Can you see their underwear? That makes it inappropriate, if you can see their underwear. 
Daryl- I think so, but it's inappropriate because of the shaking...

I'm glad that Daryl is teaching Alex the ways of the world! :-) 

Showing me his Raccoon hat! 

Sweater progress! 

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