Friday, November 25, 2016

One day at a time, one foot in front of the other.

Well my Thanksgiving did not go as I had planned. My mom and sister came up to stay with me while the boys went to Holton with Kelly. Kelly is trying to figure some things out and at this time he would like some space to do so.

So right now it will be the Candi, Daryl and Alex show on Meerpohl Manor. I don't want to have to dance around this in future posts, so I'm just going to throw it out there now and if the situation changes I'll throw that our there too.

Now, I don't like Facebook and social media drama. I'm not criticizing or complaining and I'm sorry if you think my blog gets to personal. But I write, it's how I make my peace with things. Also, its really hard to tell this to people in person. I've done it about four times now and its terrible. So it's selfish but you can read this on your own and I don't have to explain it over and over again.

We don't know how this will work out but I do know our entire family has a lot of people that love us. That makes us pretty lucky.

Please don't comment anything negative if you have to comment. We all still love Kelly. He deserves to be as happy as I have been.

I'm sorry guys, I can't have a funny story every time. Life doesn't work that way. But soon, I will have a funny story again. How can I not with my two little turkeys running around. They are the smile on my face and we are doing good.

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