Monday, November 21, 2016

Countdown to Eating!

I can't believe that it is already Thanksgiving week. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it is all about family and food. Christmas can stress you out with all the gifts and traditions but Thanksgiving is family time with none of the worry!

I'm also looking forward to getting all my Santas out of storage to decorate for Christmas. But, I will do this after Thanksgiving and not before! I used to wait until Dec. 1st,but now I just want them up longer so I can enjoy them. I need to also figure out a new decoration for the yard. Last year we added the big Christmas Tree, I'm thinking we need something new this year.

Last week Kelly and I got a date night at the Topeka's 20 under 40 banquet. It was a fun night of getting excited about the future of our community. A lot of people are doing great things to move Topeka forward and that is a fun thing to celebrate!

I also spent some quality time at Rock Springs with some of my 4-H'ers Friday to Sunday. When I got back the boys wanted to play outside, but I was done with being cold. I convinced them to play Candy Land inside and, darn it if Daryl didn't win every time. I even tried staking the deck in Alex's favor and Daryl would still draw a lucky card to put him to the castle first. Daryl likes winning but for the third game he gave me a "wink" and said he didn't want to play anymore. Alex was so happy because he could beat mom and dad and he finally got to win a game.

As much as my boys fight, they do care about each other. Makes my heart happy when they love on each other, even if it is just for a moment!

Date night! 

After dinner picture with some of our dear friends! We will miss them
especially since our kids finally stopped fighting and started playing really good! 

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