Monday, November 14, 2016

3 days home is enough!

Last weekend was a three day weekend for me. I had Friday off and no 4-H events on Saturday or Sunday. I enjoy a couple of days with nothing on the calendar, but three days almost drives me nuts!
On Friday, I spent TWO HOURS cleaning my kitchen. Now this was probably past due but I scrubbed the back splash, cabinets, appliances, and then scrubbed the floors on my hands and knees.

Then, I was thoroughly annoyed the next six times I had to clean it because we were all home and eating every meal at the kitchen island. If I spend so much time cleaning something, do me a favor, and stay out of that room!

I decided to invite company over on Sunday, because then the cleaning is not for my messy family, it is for my guests! That is completely OK and preferable!

On Friday, Alex's preschool went to a community display of gingerbread houses. He had fun looking at them, refused to sit on Santa's lap and got to make a graham cracker house of his own. I picked him up from school and he was so proud to show me his house. It was so cute! I got him buckled into his car seat and I sat the house next to him in the back seat. I'm driving along and next thing I hear is a crack! I look in the rear view mirror and he is dismantling his house eating all the candy off! "Alex, I wanted to take a picture of your house!"

"Sorry," he said, while shoving more house into his mouth. The next stop light I came to I got a quick picture with my cell phone of what was left of his cute little house!

Right now I'm working on making Daryl a matching sweater to Alex's. The goal is for them to wear them to church on Christmas. I'm sure they will both throw a fit if I actually try to make that happen, but what is Christmas without a few tears?! LOL :-)

I should get a lot knit this weekend as I'm chaperoning for a 4-H trip. I have great youth, so plenty of time can be spent knitting!
Start of Daryl's sweater

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