Sunday, December 11, 2016

Happy Blogaversary!

I have been writing this blog for eight years now! I love that I get to look back at all the fun memories over the past eight years. Just last week I looked at an old blog when Daryl was in preschool. He told me he learned to draw circles and trineapples! Come on folks, that's gold!

The next eight years won't have Vinny. :-( I had to put my fourteen year old puppy down on Wednesday. I was in the room holding him when it happened. I was with him and hugging him when he passed. The boys were in the waiting room, I knew they wouldn't understand, and I didn't want to have to be strong because they were there. I wanted to cry, and I did. Collected myself and told them Vinny wasn't coming home with us.

So fast forward to about an hour later when we are breaking the news to Purl.
Daryl-"Purl, Vinny was sick but he is not sick anymore, he loves you and he wants us to tell you goodbye."
Alex (Hand on hip one hand pointing at purl in the nose)- Purl, Vinny went to the vet today and he is not coming home!
Me- Alex, you can't tell her that! She is never going to want to go to the vet again!!
Alex- But mom, it's true!

Oh geez Alex, right when Daryl was about to make me cry Al provided the comic relief. RIP Vinny Bo Binny
One more funny story from the library today. The boys were playing in a pretend bake shop that the library had set up. (Topeka has the best library on the planet, we are so lucky to have it!) It had pots and pans, plastic baked goods and a cash register.
So I walk up to be the customer.
Daryl-What would you like ma'am?
Me-I would like 3 gingerbread cookies, this sign says they are $3 a piece.
Daryl-OK here are 3 cookies. (he hands them to me)
Me-How much do I owe you for 3 cookies, I have this ten dollar bill but I will need some change.
Daryl-(Pauses for a  moment trying to crunch some numbers in his head.) It's your lucky day ma'am they are on sale 3 for five dollars. NEXT!

What a sly fox, trying to avoid doing math on a Sunday!

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