Sunday, December 4, 2016

Deck the Halls!

So the first priority this weekend was to get some Christmas decorations up! I had other things on the list that did not get done, but by golly we have a tree up. :-)

I decided not to try and get the seven foot tree wrestled to the living room. Saturday morning the boys and I packed up to Wal-Mart in search of a tree more our size. Daryl, for some reason, really wanted a white tree. Not a flocked tree, but a white tree. The first one he found was six feet tall and I said that wasn't going to work. He very hesitantly agreed with me on the four foot pre-lit tree. I could tell he was disappointed so we went back to that aisle and looked one more time. What do you know there was ONE four foot tall, pre lit, white Christmas tree. He was such a grinning fool for the rest of the day! I just kept telling him what a great tree he found, it is his tree. It is growing on me!

Things to do this week:

  • Knit the sleeves on Daryl's sweater
  • No cereal for dinner this week
  • Buy a new vacuum
  • Use new vacuum

That sounds like enough! Merry Christmas everyone! And if not, fake it till you make it!

This is with the lights off. Such a cute/weird little tree. 

The santas are living on the mantel this year. 

My precious nativity with the Wii bar going through the middle! LOL 

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