Monday, December 19, 2016

Snow Daze!

This weekend was a cold one! I'm glad I payed attention to the weather for once, because I made sure we had everything we needed for the weekend. That way we didn't have to leave the house if we didn't want to.

Since we were going to be cooped up the boys and I did go see Trolls on Friday at the theater. We all agreed it was a good movie. Now, we are just waiting for Sing to come out! 

On Saturday, I had no plans of getting out of my PJs. Once it started to snow the boys did want to get dressed to go outside. I don't know why they want to be cold and wet, but after lunch I let them go play in the trace of snow we had at that time! It was more fun to slip on the ice than anything else, and they lasted longer than I thought they would. 

On Sunday, they went out again and tried to build a snow fort. The snow was not staying together so they came in before too long for hot chocolate and microwave popcorn! 

Today makes four weeks since our household went from four to three. The boys and I are finding our routines, and can now make it out of the house in the morning in good time and spirits! Except for Monday, there is not usually a dry eye in the car on Monday morning. ;-) No change in status just wanting to thank everyone for the hugs, warm thoughts, prayers, positive words and understanding. Your encouragement really does matter to me, and I know everyone is wishing us the best. Thank You Again!

After much begging, I got them suited up to go play outside! 

Patio was a little slick! 

Had our own Meerpohl Manor skating rink!

This snow was not good snowball material! 

Eventually, I was watching from inside! Crazy kids! 

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