Friday, December 16, 2016

Christmas Program Numero 2!

I know that I rave and rave about our Elementary school, but it is true, it is an amazing school! Last night was Daryl's Christmas program and the songs and dances were so cute! The music teacher really outdid herself! It was just the second grade classes, but that was still 60 kids. 

They sang a song about Rudolph's blinking nose keeping them up at night. It was such a cute song! Daryl had a speaking part and did really well. 

Daryl had a small fit after the program because there were selling smencils in the lobby, but he had already bought four this week. He wanted Aunt Barb and Grandpa to buy him more. I told him no, we have to nip the hoarding instinct in the bud! 

Alex did good during the program, he sat and drew pictures. He wasn't really interested in the music, but he was quiet for 20 minutes, so that is a WIN! 

You will notice Daryl is not wearing a hand knit sweater for his program. New goal is Christmas morning. It is going to be snowy this weekend so hopefully I will get a lot of knitting time in! 

Purl is doing really well living inside. She hasn't had any accidents this week, and she told me she had to go out once by pawing at the door. What a good girl, Purl!! I'm going to have to vacuum more now that she lives inside, but it is totally worth it!! 

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