Friday, January 29, 2010

Snowball Day!

I got paid last night from my job so we got to make our debt snowball payment today!!! Yeah!! After a month of really pinching pennies we paid one credit card off, (will close next week) and made such a substantial payment to another we will pay it off next month!!!

When Kelly and I met we had six cards between the two of us. After we went to a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace (almost a year ago) we quit using them and in March we will have ONE! Because we pay our debts smallest to largest we won't get to that last one for a little bit but the progress we are making is awesome.

We will adjust the budget next moth looking at all of our categories and readjusting, every month with the budget is a learning experience!!!

Daryl has a new game. The kids at the daycare have been turning over the toy bins and making a game out of it. The sitters tell us they just laugh and laugh and take turns turning them over. So at home he now turns over anything he is taller than. We have a hard time getting mad about it because it cracks him up so much!! The house looks like a tornado has hit it but it doesn't take much time after he goes to bed to put it back together. If only we could be so easily amused!! :)

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