Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So far So good

It is the sixth of the month and my little spend no money experiment is working. I have been taking my coffee cup everywhere with me and D and I spent our two days together at the house. With the cold weather I thought about taking him to the mall to cruise in the stroller and then I realized that would be too tempting to spend!

So we limited ourselves to the library and then one errand run to the grocery store. I pondered for a long time if buying donuts at the grocery store was cheating but then I went ahead and got the day old kind and told Kel they were only for breakfast.

I've already packed my lunch today for work so I don't have to be tempted by a lunch run. I also packed my water bottle and made sure I don't have any change for the pop machine.

Wish me luck!
Daryl is modeling his new shirt from Grandma Korf. His step stool from Grandma Meerpohl is in the background. He has been carrying it from room to room with him all week. He can't be without his stool! What a ham!

1 comment:

  1. My boy looks good in his new shirt!
    Good job, on your little no spending extra experiment.
    Drinking water at work, will also help on our little challenge,too.
    Have a great day & hug your guys for me.
    Love you,
