Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Reality Check

This blog is keeping me honest about my new habit of not buying things I don't need. But I need to repost the numbers because some money has been spent from the last time I posted.

Blow Budget $50

Spent $22

I wasn't planning on spending any of our blow this month but a friend needed a bus pass. To me and kel that no longer fell into the category of frivolous purchase. We bought it with cash and it felt good.

Restaurant Budget $150.00

spent $47.03

I'm happy with this number. Most of the time we go over on this category so being $100 bucks under is good. If we don't spend another dime in this category we will have a nice chunk to throw on the debt snow ball.

Clothes Budget $50.00

Spent $0.00 YEAH!!!!! Lets keep this one zero shall we?

Gas Budget $250.00

Spent $111.52 Again I'm happy with this number. We keep our gas budget so high in case we decide to go west at any time. Don't think that will happen this month so we will just put the extra on the debt snow ball.

Groceries Budget $400.00

Spent $298.16 This whole category will most likely be spent. In fact we need to slow down a bit to get thru our last two weeks. Going over is not an option this month!!! Even if it means grilled cheese and PB&Js!

I'm not going to lie. This month has been tough. But next month we are going to loosen up a little bit and actually spend our categories of our budget. But before the month begins all the categories (besides groceries) will be getting reduced. Because now we know we can. The ultimate goal is I would like to be debt free and as soon as possible! Kelly in on board with that game plan. We still plan to live while we do this, but we shall live on cash and we will always think twice. I'll let everyone know how big our debt snow ball got this month. I'm super geeked about it!

For MLK day we spent the day in Holton with Grandma and Poppa Meerpohl! Momma Meerpohl opened up her beauty salon (kitchen) and did three haircuts and a color! Talk about a life saver she saved us about $90 right there. And we love her for it!

Daryl was struggling a little bit not to have temper tantrums but kel and I are slowly realizing that this is a phase of life he is in and it doesn't mean we are doing anything wrong.

But if anyone has tips for us on how to defuse a meltdown all suggestions will be considered!! :)

1 comment:

  1. On the temper tantrums, have you asked if he is getting pushed or knocked down at the sitter by older kids and that is making him rebel at times? You might check just to see if there is more to the acting out than what you know. We all know how older kids like to show smaller kids how they are strong and bigger. Like you said, being pushed is not fun.
    Just a thought.
    So glad to have you in Holton this past Monday. We really enjoy your visits so keep them coming anytime.
