Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Resolutions kept 12 days in!

I think this is the longest I have kept a resolution! Maybe its because it has nothing to do with losing weight! LOL
12 days into the month I have not bought a yard of yarn, no clothes, and we have not eaten out once (w/o a gift card)! We are cooking with gas (figuratively b/c we have an electric stove)!
Its great how it works out when I'm tired and ready to go out to eat Kelly is strong and says he will cook and when he is ready to eat out for lunch I'm the one who is supporting him.
I am making a list of things that I want to buy as the month goes on, not to actually buy those things in Feb. but to see how I probably won't need any of them in the end.
I'm trying to retrain myself from always thinking I have to get that right now. If I wait and think about it I just might decide I don't need it after all!
I'm knitting on a scarf right now for a couple of reasons. One when it was really cold I wished I had a pretty scarf. I have some regular store bought scarves but I know I can make better. Secondly they take a LONG TIME to knit. And that is what I need so I don't skip from project to project buying more yarn.
This scarf is Cora and it has really big cables knit into it that make it kinda bunchy. I like it!
Daryl is having a rough day. He woke up not feeling good so we went to the doctor. He has some junk in his chest and is not sleeping good because he is coughing at night.
He got some medicine so we can do some breathing treatments. We had to do them last year so hopefully he will be feeling better soon. No one likes a sick cranky D around the house. We like Happy D!

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