Saturday, January 16, 2010

Being Pushed Is Not Cool

I made it half way thru the month sticking to my strict no spending budget. We are doing great and we are now on the downhill side!
I had today off of work so this afternoon we took D for a walk around the mall. He loves people watching and we were having a good time. We stopped at the little play area they have for all the kids. D really likes it because they have a slide he can climb up himself and slide down. Really makes him happy.
Kel and I were watching from the side and all the little ones (under two) were taking turns and having giggles. Then a bunch of other kids (unsupervised) barreled in to the slide. It was Daryl's turn to go up the steps and an older boy leaped over him and pushed him down the steps!
Daryl was not hurt but shocked. He started to cry and Kelly told the other boy (told/yelled) not to push. I picked D up and gave him a hug. Got him back on the steps and he slid back again. He was soon over the whole thing.
I wish I could have gotten over it that fast. This may have happened many times at daycare but it was the first time I saw my little guy's feelings hurt. I was sad for him and angry at the little kid who didn't have anyone watching him. I know things like this will happen from time to time but it stinks, and for the record I wish my little guy would never get hurt.
On a happier note his cold is getting better. And he is doing his breathing treatments with no fuss now. It has been five days and he needs to do them for a week so we are almost done with those. Yeah!!

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