Saturday, January 9, 2010

Boredom is thy enemy!!

People have triggers that make them practice their bad habits. Some smokers have to smoke if they are drinking. Some people on a diet can't resist over eating at a restaurant. Well for a spender like me having nothing to do makes me want to go shop, or even worse shop online!

So I'm compiling things I can do while Daryl is napping or when we are home alone. Cleaning is a logical option. After all I don't think I've ever cleaned so much there is nothing left to do! LOL

But I'm more likely to knit. I've started a lot of new projects this month to keep me inside and interested! So I am going to knit myself thru this month (and clean a little)! Can't wait till tomorrow then I will be 1/3 of the way thru January!!

Here is the current stats:

Eating out Budget:
150.00 We've only spent 17.81

Gas Budget:
250.00 We've only spent 40.00

Grocery Budget:
400.00 We've only spent 149.83 (We'll probably use the whole amount this month b/c we are trying not to eat out)

Blow (Usually Spent on Yarn):
50.00 We've spent NOTHING!!

All of the leftover in every category we will add to the debt snowball payment on the last day of the month!! I'm hoping for a lot leftover!!

For the fans here are now some cute pictures of Daryl!! LOL

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