Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year New Habits

I finally got Kelly a knitted gift he will actually use. I made him a hat with this lovely Noro yarn and it turned out really great. It was the first time I used Noro and now I see why everyone loves it! The stripes are beautiful.

One of my New Year's resolutions was to stop mindless spending. I tend to shop without thinking and it can really kill the monthly budget Kel works so hard to keep straight. I've done a lot better since we got married but I want to try a little experiment this month.

Kelly and I are keeping track to see how much extra money we will have at the end of the month if I keep my money in my wallet. We do the debt snowball ala Dave Ramsey and I want to see how big our debt snowball can get without me spending it all!!

I have promised Kel that this month I will not spend any money without consulting him and the budget first. I will also not eat out on my way to work or stop for my frequent coffees.

Four days in and so far so good. I've been taking my coffee travel mug with me everywhere so I don't have to buy any. I also told all my coworkers at JoAnn to not let me get anything. They are all doubting my self restraint but that is ok. As a former supervisor once said about me "Just tell Candi it can't be done then get the he** out of her way!"

I'll keep you all updated on my one month experiment!

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