Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Part Deux

Part two of our Christmas tour ended in Norton Kansas. Where we met the lovely Henry David. He is such a cutie!! I see a lot of the Becker in him. He looks a lot like his grandpa Becker! All of the cousins were together as the Brown kids made the trip as well.

I'm sure Henry was wondering what all the rucus was but he handled it well! Mom loved her quilt that I finally got finished for her. She took a wonderful picture of her and all her babies on it!

Now that the holidays are over I need to get this house back under control. You can't see the living room table and the laundry is going to take a whole weekend to get done. So if you are wondering what I am doing the next couple of days you will know.

Resolutions/Projects for 2010:

Don't buy anymore yarn (Jan-March)!! I can't go a whole year ;-)

Cook at home more!

Kitchen Renovation

Potty Train D

Get Organized

Finish all of my knitting projects that are started:

Simple Cardigan

Wicked Sweater

Cable Guy Sweater


I think that is enough for one year!!!!

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