Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Kelly!!

The head of the manor (he can have the title for the day :-) is celebrating his birthday today! We already ate BBQ for his bday earlier in the week and I think he is going out with friends on Saturday. He is pretty easy to please!! D almost said happy birthday today but instead he just waved bye bye as his daddy left for work. We take what we can get!

Getting ready for Christmas around here. The lights are up outside (THANK YOU KELLY) and we also added an inflatable Santa to our decor. Kelly hates those things so I know he must really love me to put one in the yard. LOL

I have been trying to remember to take a picture at night to show everyone but so far I have been to tired and cold to venture back out at night with the camera once I'm inside.

D has not tried to pull over the Christmas tree and I am very proud of him for that. I'm anxious to see how he will be once we put presents under it.

That's about all for now. I will include some of D's sexy lumber jack pictures! He is just the best lumberjack EVER! I'm biased...

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