Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Very Merry Meerpohl Christmas

We are not quite done with Christmas yet but if I don't update now I'm afraid I'll forget precious details. I think I'll make this entire post precious details. hmmmmm

1.) You are never too young to play Santa. D passed out presents to the entire Meerpohl clan regardless of who the present was for or if it was already in someones pile!

2.)Christmas does not impress Baby Dominic. He was asleep about 2 minutes into opening gifts.

3.)Getting caught in the middle of a nerf gun fight is actually quite fun!

4.)Carson can tell you that you can never get too many KU Shirts!!

5.)It is worth getting stuck in the snow to get a 75% off prelit Christmas tree! Just ask Kelly!!

6.) The most interesting part of a Christmas present to a toddler is always the box!

7.) Jenny's favorite color may not be green but that is our favorite color for her!

8.) Booze is always a welcome gift!

9.)A Blizzard will always guarantee the birth of a baby! Yeah Henry David 8lbs 12ozs!!

10.)I got everything on my Christmas list! Next year I'm asking for a hairless cat!!! Yeah!!!

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