Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August Goal Update

August was a bit of a bust on the goals. But I will update anyway, because I do these monthly updates for my accountability. I like to say, yay I was awesome. But I must say, when it is true, I really fell short this month. The nice thing about yearly goals is when the first of the month comes around, you get another chance. Other than the running goal these are all still doable. 

Read 20 Books: 13/20  

I did finish one book this month and I am halfway through a super long book. So I am reading, I just picked a book that is going to take me more than one month, and that's ok! The fun part of the reading goal is I gave one to Daryl and Alex too. I don't know what happened to Mr. Alex in August but he read five books and is only one away from his yearly goal! Daryl finished one book this month and has six to go for the year. Super proud of him too! 

Dad is Fat by Gaffigan. I like Jim Gaffigan as a stand up comedian so I was happy to pick up his book about parenting. The chapters are short and if you read them in his voice they are even better. The book does read like one stand up bit after another,  a fun read. 

Run 800 miles: 490/800

Ok, I tried a few runs at the beginning of the month and my hip was killing me from start to finish. Finally, consulted my doctor and he said there is no magic treatment, I just needed to rest for awhile. So, I took almost the whole month off. I ran 12 whole miles this month. Two of those were this morning and my first pain free miles since June. Hallelujah! I'm going to ease back in so I don't know if I'll hit this goal but I'll keep logging runs. 

Money Goals: I hit may savings goal this month and it's not on the list but I replaced some blinds that needed it in the living room. I was really happy to add to savings this month because August is a costly month for The Manor. It is Daryl's birthday month, the car tags are due and back to school. Most Augusts I'm taking money out of savings to cover us, but this year I still had money to put in. Yay! 

  • Pay Off my Car - Done March
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix the sink in my bathroom Done July 
  • Add $2,000 to savings  Done August 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

Still just one more sleeve for knitting project number 2......

Alex is rocking his reading goal!

Daryl ruining an amazing family picture!

We checked out the Rossville park on Sunday 

If you are close, check it out!

Again, Daryl messing up the picture! 
He must be related to Asa Stiles!

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