Sunday, August 29, 2021

Small Wins!

Running this month has been non existent. The up side is my hip feels so much better! I'm going to ease back into running this week. Might be a mile, might be two, it won't be much. I was getting down on myself so I needed some small wins to get my spirits back up. I looked around the house and a few jumped out at me. 

My mom bought me a ceramic pumpkin, and left it for me when she came back for Daryl's birthday dinner. It seemed very out of place with my yellow flower placemats. I decided to make some fall placemats, maybe that would call the cooler weather to us. I had a couple of free evenings this week and on Friday night I finished them. I never know exactly how I'm going to sew them together, but piecing always feels better than one fabric on the front and one on the back. I love how they turned out! A table runner is also in the works, again no pattern. 

Sitting in my living room last weekend my old vinyl blinds were really bothering me. They are so old when I try to clean them they break. It was time for some new blinds. So that was the other project I had done this weekend. Unfortunately, Menards only had three of the size I needed. I wanted four. So, this project is 75% complete, and still so much better! 

Good thing the boys will be back tonight, I get too many ideas when they aren't around! 

Found the perfect pumpkin fabric at Joann's last Sunday. 

My finished placemats, with some odd and end fabric I had on hand. And the before picture of my terrible blinds and the wonderful after picture! Can't wait to get the last one so all four of the windows on that wall are the same. 

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