Thursday, August 12, 2021

First Day of School!

 Today was Daryl's first day of 7th grade and Alex's second day of 4th grade. I'm pretty proud of us for getting everyone where they needed to be on time, including myself to work! Alex had a great first day yesterday, his best friend is sitting by him (not sure that will last long) and he really likes his new teacher. He is in the same pod as he was in for 3rd grade and he thinks that is pretty cool. He told his teacher he had already read two books this month (and he has!) and he said she was very impressed. He took his newest book with him today because he said they have some free reading time. 

Daryl isn't as much of a sharer as Alex is, I hope I get some details after today. I might not. To prepare for today Daryl wanted to get some new shoes (check), asked to shower last night so he could sleep in (check) and most important will you PLEASE not walk me to the bus stop (check). I did everything on my end to make sure he has a good day! Because it was the first day the bus was about 12 minutes late, he was texting with me to make sure he should still stand there. Looks like he needed me at the bus stop after all! PS-I didn't walk down there and I assured him the bus was moving on the app on my phone. Alex and I both watched as it went by the house, and Alex was very relieved that Daryl was getting picked up. He worries more than Daryl does! 

Yesterday, mom headed west to my sister's house. So that was a little sad for me and a lot sad for Purl. Purl is back in the kennel while I'm at work, because she likes to eat trash. I know my sister and niece and nephew have been waiting patiently for Grandma, but I hung onto her for an extra week anyway! Love you mom, we will see you soon! 

Alex was so excited yesterday he wouldn't
sit to eat his french toast. I only make hot
breakfast on special days!

Here he comes 4th grade! 

This morning both boys were happy to sport
new shoes! So clean!!

First day of seventh grade! Have a 
great year Daryl! 

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