Monday, August 23, 2021

Mom of a Teenager?

I'm not ready. I wasn't ready when he went to pre school, I wasn't ready when he went to kindergarten and I'm not ready for him to be a teenager. Alas, time marches on and Daryl turned 13 a couple of days ago. 

Sometimes growing up is two steps forward, one step back, but he is doing the work. He started 7th grade two weeks ago and football last week. He is stretching himself and it is improving his attitude about school. He is confident this year going into the school building and last year it intimidated him a little. My Jr./Sr. high school may have had 80 kids in it 7-12th. Daryl's middle school is over 400 students 6th-8th. With all those students he is still making a positive impression on his teachers. 

As any mom could I would gush for paragraphs. But since this is his birthday post I wanted him to share 13 things about himself on th day he turned 13. So this information is from the source! (And he didn't give me 13 so I added some.....)

From Daryl: 

1.) His Favorite food is Crawfish 2.) His favorite team is the Kansas City Chiefs 3.) His favorite school subject is PE 4.) His favorite color is red 5.) He wants to be in the NBA when he grows up 6.) The one thing he is really into right now is sports 

That's all I go from the source These are from mom! 

7.) Usually complains about our nightly reading time, but often reads past his 20 minutes because he likes his book 

8.) Got Instagram this summer and he loves to follow fishing accounts and different NBA players 

9.) He caught a 23" Walleye this summer 

10.) He also caught himself this summer and had to have a fishing hook removed from under his thumbnail (They couldn't pull it out, so they pushed it through!) 

11.) He has a dresser full of clothes but only wears three shirts and a couple of pairs of gym shorts....

12.) He is already dreaming of a pick-up for his first vehicle

13.) He has now been to two country concerts and he loves them! 

Birthday dinner at Paisanos with LOTS of pasta!

Daryl wanted to try all of the desserts, so we ordered a variety to share!

Alex wanted to Daryl donuts for his birthday breakfast, so we did!


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