Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Fishing and Reading

 With a couple of days of school under our belt, last weekend was much anticipated for a couple of days off! I was ready to bum around the house but Daryl had other plans. At 4-H fishing club he got an invite to try fishing from a kayak. He was super excited since most of our weekend fishing is done from the bank and kayak is probably the only way he will get to fish from the middle of the water. We don't have any place to put a boat, or way to haul a boat...or any intention of buying a boat! 

Saturday morning we headed to Carbondale lake and tried kayak fishing. I was the driver and he was the fisher. This sounds good in theory but I haven't paddled in years and was a little clumsy taking Daryl where he wanted to go. He didn't catch anything on this outing but we both agreed kayak fishing has potential! I just liked being out on the water and even read my book a few times. Stay tuned! 

Alex had a much chiller weekend that involved playing tennis, playing cards and reading TWO books. He is anxiously awaiting the last installment of the Mo Ohara series he has been reading through this summer. Since he was sans book, he looked in Daryl's library and found the Stink book series by Megan McDonald. He made an executive decision since these books are shorter than the books he had been reading, he would only count it as one after reading four of them! It was probably a good call, because he finished book 1 and 2 this weekend. He finished book three today. So school cuts into his reading time, a little. 

Now I'm just counting down the days to having a teenager. Three and counting.....

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