Friday, September 3, 2021

Daryl's First 🏈 Game

 Over many years Daryl has worn me down on Football. He loves the game and now he is a full fledged player. His first game was yesterday at it started at 3:15pm. I was out of town working so I thought I was going to miss it all. 

Turns out 3:15 was the Varsity game and the Junior Varsity game was at 5:00. I hit town at 5:15 and I got to see half of his JV game! He made some blocks, ran the ball a couple of times and was all smiles! His middle school won both games and he was on cloud nine all evening. He was even ready to run at 5:30 this morning, but it was pouring outside. So we both went back to bed for another 45 minutes. :-) 

I'm glad he is enjoying football so much, it is really giving him a better outlook on middle school in general. He has more friends, his best friend is a pro and gives him lots of tips and he doesn't squawk when I ask him to finish homework. After all if he doesn't keep his grades up, he can't play sports. So far, it's working like a charm! Go #11! (I haven't told him but that was either my JH or HS volleyball number.) 

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