Friday, September 17, 2021


 Last night Daryl had his first out of town football game. Alex and I headed to Council Grove to cheer on our Raven! PS-never been to Council Grove before, very cool looking. They have a river walk and cute downtown I want to go back and check those out some time. 

Ok, back to football. The visitors bench was facing the sun so it was really hard to get pictures at this one. The Varsity took care of business and won by 20, the closest game they have had this far. Then they played a JV half and Daryl got to play offense and defense. In probably the third to last play of the JV half Daryl got an interception! It was so exciting, Alex and I were jumping up and down. Never thought I would lose my mind at a Middle School JV football game, but here we are. :-) I've actually been smiling all day thinking about it, mostly because Daryl was so happy last night. He has been working hard at practice and he has been cheering and supporting his friends from the sidelines, so when he gets to be a big part of a play, it is pretty cool. 

On Wednesday, the school district hosted their annual family fitness night. This is one we like to attend every year because the kids see their friends outside of school and they just play games. Bonus this year we were also given a bag for each student that had a card game, book, activity book and pop-it. Alex and I tried out the Scrabble Slam card game while we waited for Daryl's game, we are going to get pretty good at it! 

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