Thursday, September 30, 2021

Busker Fest and Goals!

Last weekend the boys and I ventured to Lawrence for Busker Fest. I have been a couple of times before but this was their first time. It was a hot day, but still lots of fun. Both of the boys got into a show. Daryl helped the Cowboy Comedian and Alex assisted the pogo stick guy! They were two lucky ducks!  

Read 20 Books: 13/20  

So I'm almost done reading a book that has now taken me two months. It is "The Stand" by Stephen King. It is 1100 pages long. It is VERY good. I don't usually go for King books because I don't need to be anymore scared than I already am! LOL 

However, a book written in the 1990s about a Super Flu that wipes out the earth's population doesn't really read as a horror story anymore...

I have 200 pages to go and no matter how it ends I will miss these characters. I look forward to seeing what they are up to every night. However, my to be read pile is getting large, it is time to wrap this one up. 

Run 800 700 miles: 532/700

I started to feel better this month. Yay! I eased into running again, starting with 1-2 mile runs. I worked all the way up to 3.5 miles ;-). I ended up with 42 miles for the month. I felt like my efforts should not end in a failed miles goal for the year. So, I asked the captain of the ship if I could amend the running goal from 800 miles to 700 miles. She agreed that would still be challenging and it would keep the peasant motivated to get exercise. So she allowed it!  

Money Goals: I saved more money this month, and I called a carpenter about the stairs. It is the next thing on the list. I will keep bugging people to see if I can get on someone's schedule. 

  • Pay Off my Car - Done March
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix the sink in my bathroom Done July 
  • Add $2,000 to savings  Done August 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

Still just one more sleeve for knitting project number 2......

The Topeka Paletas guy was a vendor at Busker Fest. 
He is our favorite! 

Alex loves the Strawberry, I prefer the coconut!

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